
Observing Malaysian Social Media

A Network Analysis of Users Mentioning Malaysian Politicians on Twitter, April 2010 – November 2011

This visualisation displays the distribution of users who mention BN and PR politicians, based on the number of mentions they made.

1.Users are represented by grey nodes.
2.There is a blue node on the left, representing BN politicians
3.There is a red node on the right, representing PR politicians
4.Users are pulled to either node based on the number of mentions they made for that coalition
5.The blue-shaded area denotes users who are exclusive to BN and do not mention PR politicians
6.The red-shaded area denotes users who are exclusive to PR and do not mention BN politicians

There are a total of 72,214 users that made 1,002,027 tweets mentioning politicians. Read the full report below:

Written by politweet

December 15, 2011 at 3:38 am